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The information platform dedicated to events in the ICT industry in Switzerland.

We centralize, classify and publish daily events, virtual, physical or hybrid, classified by subject, language, location, date.
We also publish the list of media and specialized associations, as well as job search sites and training organizations.
Our platform is at the service of professionals and decision-makers looking for information and trends in the Swiss ICT industry.

Why Choose Swiss IT Companies & Events

Are you a Professional or a decision-maker in the field of information technology in Switzerland?
Find all the exhibitions & webinars, classified by location, language, subject, date, but also job offers, associations, specialized media, as well as numerous articles.
Are you a company specializing in the field of information technology in Switzerland or abroad?
Increase your visibility with thousands of professionals and decision makers by publishing your events, your articles as well as your job and training offers on our platform.


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Featured Events
En septembre 2023 entrait en vigueur la nouvelle Loi sur la Protection des Données en Suisse. Nous constatons que nombre d’entreprises ne se sont pas encore mises en conformité aujourd’hui. Pour rappel, toute entreprise est concernée et doit avoir une...
Lors de cette conférence, Matthieu Corthésy viendra démystifier l’intelligence artificielle et expliquer en quoi celle-ci est un atout au quotidien pour les entreprises. KPMG et Darwin Digital présenteront ensuite quelques cas concrets d’utilisation de l’IA au sein de leur entreprise....
Die AV Bodania feiert ihr 100-jähriges Bestehen an der HSG. Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums hat eine Projektgruppe bestehend aus von Rundstedt, SwissICT, Avenir Suisse, Arbeitgeber Zürich, Swico, swissfuture, Handelskammer beider Basel, KV Schweiz, Alpine AI, Digital Switzerland und HSG Alumni gemeinsam...
Cyberangriffe sind kein Zukunftsszenario, sondern Realität. Die Methoden der Angreifer werden immer raffinierter und oft dauert es nur wenige Minuten, bis sie die Kontrolle über kritische Daten gewinnen. Dabei nutzen Cyberkriminelle gezielt Schwachstellen in IT-Systemen, um Zugang zu sensiblen Informationen...