Risk-!n 7th edition

Risk-In 7th edition
Schedule your participation to the next Risk-in conference May 12th & 13th 2025 in Zürich. 
A unique opportunity to address all risks with 300+ European risk professionals (hashtagenterpriserisk, hashtagresilience, hashtagcybersecurity, hashtaginsurance, hashtagpeoplerisks, hashtagesg, hashtagai, hashtagcrisismanagement, hashtaggeopolitics, and so many more) and attend more than 80 speakers. 
Supplier Shield will be there to talk about hashtagTPRM.

Looking forward to seeing you there !

Bridge the silos to better manage risks!

#risk #riskmanagement #resilience #security #cybersecurity #insurance #captive #captivemanagement #peoplerisks #travelrisks #esg #decisionmaking #cyberrisks #integratederm #grc #riskin25 #cfos #ai #airisk #geopolitics  #crisismanagement  #crisiscommunication #bridgingthesilos

Event Details